Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 weeks old!

Connor is not a shopping man. I've taken him shopping twice now and both times he screamed bloody murder in every store for no reason (fed, clean diaper, etc.), making it impossible to concentrate to make a wise purchase. I hope Ron did not ask him to do this... His only malfunction is that he hates his car seat (and hates shopping). Other than that, he's a really good baby when he doesn't have a gas bubble. We have been without Meme or Ron for two weeks now and we're doing a lot better than I thought we would!

Is he looking more like me?

1 comment:

  1. What a little chunk! I love it! A friend of mine has a daughter who HATED her car seat (I think she still does) and has only fallen asleep or not cried like twice (she'll be 2 in 2 weeks). I hope Connor doesnt take that long to get used to it.
