Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Pics!

Connor thinks he is so big and always wants to be sitting up. We have to help him of course.

We've been using our BOB stroller a lot! Just not losing any weight...

Junior loves to fetch and brings his ball to Connor to throw!

New camping chair

Trying out his swimming pool from Grandma Casey.

Sleeping on daddy

Monday, May 16, 2011

Recent Pics

Here are a few of Connor's recent pics I thought I'd share.

Ron is saying something that he thinks is funny.

Bath time!

Sitting in his Bumbo chair.

Junior is so good with him. I can't wait to watch these two grow up together!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

2 months old!

We are a little late posting Connor's 2 month photos. Our computer was in the shop. He's such a good, happy baby. He's really smiling a lot and even chuckling. I am really lucky. He only cries if there is something wrong like hungry, diaper needs a change, tired, etc. All very fixable. I'm blessed to have such an easy baby. The car seat is still an issue (he hates it), but it seems to be getting better.